Dealing with other issues...
I have an appointment with St. Joes Cancer Center on Thursday morning to check out the lump in my breast. I haven't really stressed about it, because I did some research online and it seems that what I am experiencing is definitely related to the pregnancy hormones, and that it does happen and most times it is benign. But there is something about making an appointment at a place called the Cancer Center that makes me think twice. I mean, what if it is? No, I'm not going to go there.
Oddly enough, I subscribe to the magazine Mothering, which I am not a fan of and almost didn't renew my subscription. The fact that I had a C-section with my son certainly makes me one of the unnatural mothers, even though I breastfed for a year, didn't do any invasive testing while I was pregnant, and didn't circumsize my son. But, I still feel like a condemned woman because I had a C-section. Anyway, the point is that I still get the magazine and every month I scoff at some of the "holier than thou" articles. Except yesterday, in my e-mail box, was a note from them about their website and an exclusive web story on a woman who found a lump in the side of her breast which she had to have removed while she was pregnant. It scared the holy crap out of me. I don't understand how this e-mail and story arrived at exactly this time in my life. It is eerie.
So of course I flipped out again, and started imagining that something really awful is growing inside of me, and I was so quiet yesterday around my husband and he tried to cheer me up. Finally, today, I realized there is nothing I can do about it until they tell me what it is. So I must just stop the madness! and take care of myself and this baby inside me. I still have four weeks to go before I hit the magical twelve week mark, but four weeks is a long time, especially in pregnancy minutes.
Maybe this is just another test. But I really am beginning to wonder why I am the one who keeps having to jump hurdles and be tested. How is it possible that almost every other woman I know has sailed through being pregnant and having kids with their only worries being stretch marks and lack of sleep?