Growing Up So Fast
I took Owen for a haircut yesterday, and of course, he cried the entire time he was getting his hair cut (those sensory issues, may they go away!), but after it was done, I wanted to cry! He looked so grown up, and it made me realize that in a few months he will be three years old. I can't believe he is already almost three...
Then I came home and looked at my daughter, and she is already three months old, and getting older by the minute! How does this happen, how does time go by so fast?! I remember before I had kids when I would be at the office and the days seemed to drag. I rememberd looking at the clock and noting that the minutes were dragging...then, it's like my life sped up when I had kids. The minutes that used to drag now fly by in increments of days and weeks. Before we know it, our kids will be grown ups. And that scares me. I already am feeling sad that Owen is going to start school in a few months, because for now, I feel as if I can protect him and direct his life. When he starts school, how am I going to keep him from the demons that haunt me: sexual predators in the form of teachers; bullies; just plain mean kids; and the general stumbles he will make when he tries to navigate stairs, or playgrounds, etc. How can I not be afraid for my child?
My MIL recently gave me a book called "Those Are My Private Parts," written by a mom and illustrated by her four-year-old daughter. It is an amazing book and one that should be read to your child, no matter whether boy or girl, toddler or teenager. It is a book that speaks in a child's language about what is appropriate and that is it NOT okay for someone you know to touch you in your private parts. In the back of the book, the author lists the statistics of child abuse and that alone is scary. What's worse is that one of the statistics says that children with disabilities are more likely to be molested. I hope any of you reading my blog will buy this book and read it to your child, so they can feel okay about telling you if someone is touching them in their private parts. The website is:
If you have a child, please take a moment to order this book and read it to your child!*
*I have no affiliation with this author, and I do not make any money off the sale of this book